Manuel Dominguez // REMEMBERING A SUNSET

We are not expecting to survive much longer on the poorly constructed edifices of Mars, so we focused this last burst of energy that was built up in the batteries to create this message. The point of being an artist is to create art, not to outlive it. The sunset here is beautiful; not something I thought I would ever see. Even then, this does not compare to the feeling that Earth’s sunset would give me. There is no comparison to the world we were created to take care of. 

While this art piece is going to be a monument for those who were able to prosper after the fleeing of The Capitalists, it is going to be a memorial for those who have forgotten what they’re looking for in the never-ending search for more. If you allow me to complete this monument, we are to commission a task force with the mission to obtain pictures from all over the Earth. We ought to use positions around the world that have existed for hundreds of years to not demonstrate the advancements you all have made. Involving as much information about every continent, we will create a video that demonstrates the Sun undergoing a sunset. Once we can complete the logistics for compiling all the pieces, the memorial that is sent out will be introduced into people’s minds as a simultaneous interaction that triggers optical and aural artificial sensations in the brain. It is meant to look and feel like the person is experiencing a multitude of sunsets at a time.

This piece is intended for every person that is an accomplice to the near destruction of planet Earth. I understand that you, as the newly founded Republic of Earth (ROE) do not want to engage in any type of communication with the people who left you to die. Yet, this is one way to demonstrate to them, when the time is right, that capitalism and its followers leaving Earth was the best course of action. In this way, you have been able to build communities back up from the dust, and they have a second chance at maybe realizing that individualism only leads to death. Simultaneously, this piece is also for those who have been surviving and making the best out of the situation on Earth. Both groups have a bionic chip implanted into their brains, which means everyone can see it altogether. 

This memorial should enact protest among those who truly feel it in their consciousness that they need to change their actions for the true survival of humanity. It may take minutes; it may take decades. Yet, a simple demonstration of one’s past can be the catalyst for an evolution of consciousness. There will be a moment when either those in power change their perception as well, or there will be an uprising to empower those who feel real empathy for what happened in the past few decades. This is what we have lacked in the past. This is what has led us to our current fate. If we are to survive as a species, we must evolve past our wrongdoing.

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